祝您有一個快樂的 星期二 .



2 Sonic Way, Apt. 2404


Listed by:   PROPERTY.CA INC..
Not intended to solicit clients currently under contract with another brokerage .
請電416-821-5716 蔡先生。 
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For Sale


2 Sonic Way, Apt. 2404


Listed by:   PROPERTY.CA INC..
Not intended to solicit clients currently under contract with another brokerage .

2 Sonic Way
| 睡房: 1 | 廁所: 1 | 停車位: 1.0 | 向北 | 0-499尺 |
| 管理費: $376.84 ( 管理費包: 冷氣, 等等. ) | 每年地稅: $1792.20 (2023) |

Discover urban tranquillity in the heart of Flemingdon Park! This sleek one-bedroom unit offers stunning views and convenient access to the DVP and the shops at Don Mills. Top-notch amenities include- a beautiful gym, guest suites, guest parking and an outdoor oasis. Another perk-lightning-fast elevator. Miele laundry, 1 parking and 1 locker included. Welcome to urban living defined!
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Listed by:  PROPERTY.CA INC.

      有意購買本樓盤,請和我們聯络。 請電416-821-5716 蔡先生。