Frank Fu Yuen Choy
Sales Representative
HomeLife/Vision Realty Inc., Brokerage
Independently Owned and Operated
Not intended to solicit clients currently under contract with another brokerage .

ONE unit is available for sale at 660 Eglinton Ave W.
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660 Eglinton Ave W

Toronto, Ontario

     | Map    |    Price Chart   |    Sold History   | Condo Available For Sale    |    Chinese Version   click for Chinese version.  

660 Eglinton Ave W is a condo project in the community of Forest Hill North in Toronto, Ontario, near Spadina & Eglinton.

    Find Condo Buildings in the Community of Forest Hill North. (List, Map, and Prices, and more.).

    Find Condo Buildings near 660 Eglinton Ave W. (List, Map, and Prices, and more.).

Sold History:

YEAR Units sold 1 bedroom 2 bedroom 3+ bedroom
2023 2 689,000 585,000
2022 3 440,000 - 500,000 475,000
2021 3 305,000 - 493,000
2020 3 390,000 - 485,000 512,000
2019 5 385,000 - 435,000 480,000

Please note that price of property depends on market condition and its size, upgrade, view, location, etc.
Call me for details.
Please also note that our data excludes transactions outside MLS system.

How much did they pay for a condo in this building? (A price chart.)

A price chart for condo sold at 660 Eglinton Ave W, Toronto.


Frank Choy


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From September 30 To October 14.
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